Height: 165cm
Weight: 40kg
Bust: 76cm
Waistline: 65cm
Hip circumference: 81cm
Shoulder width: 39cm
The circumference of the upper arm: 26cm
Circumference of the forearm: 19cm
Arm length: 45cm
Hand length: 18cm
Leg length: 76cm
The circumference of the thighs: 44cm
The circumference of the calves: 30cm
Foot length: 21cm
The length of the penis: 15cm
The diameter of the penis: 3cm
The circumference of the penis: 9cm
Depth of the anus: 15cm
Packing size: 154x40x30
Vaginal Cleaner x1
Special Gloves x1
Wig x1
Vaginal Heater x1
Wig Comb x1
Underwear x1